Gina Miller – EU citizens should vote LibDem
Gina Miller has led the campaign through the courts to ensure that parliament has a say on the final outcome of Brexit.
Gina Miller has led the campaign through the courts to ensure that parliament has a say on the final outcome of Brexit.
Led by John Sharkey, the Liberal Democrats campaigned in the House of Lords to end the scourge of cold-calling in relation to pensions, claims management and other financial services.
View highlights from Saturday at the LibDem Conference in Brighton
Libdems out promoting our policy of remaining in Europe and the public having a say on the deal or parliament having a third choice which is to either not to accept the deal, accept the deal or and this we wish to add is to stay in the EU if that is the best for the country at this point in time.
Crowborough welcomed the Big Lemon Bus on Saturday (see our earlier posting). The East Sussex "Stop Brexit" Coordinating Committee were out in force. The Big Lemon Bus made stops in Hailsham, Heathfield, Crowborough, Forest Row, Ringmer, Peacehaven and Brighton.
Come join us on our 'East Sussex Stop Brexit' Bus and street theatre tour on Saturday 24th March to let people know it's not too late to Stop Brexit!